Metadata table

Metadata table

@type Dataset
name reports_raw
conditionsOfAccess Private
description Validated and not validated reports from the Mosquito Alert application with information about bites, breeding sites and adult mosquito encounters. Useful for studying usage, sampling effort etc. Reports that the participant has deleted are excluded.
license All rights reserved
  • Eritja, R., Palmer, J. R. B., Roiz, D., Sanpera-Calbet, I., and Bartumeus, F., “Direct Evidence of Adult Aedes albopictus Dispersal by Car”, Scientific Reports, vol. 7, 2017. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-12652-5
  • Palmer, J. R. B., “Citizen science provides a reliable and scalable tool to track disease-carrying mosquitoes”, Nature Communications, vol. 8, 2017. doi:10.1038/s41467-017-00914-9
temporalCoverage 2014/..
@type Place
name Worldwide
  • @type DataDownload
    name cluster_ceab
    description Distribution by SFTP protocol from CEAB cluster.
    encodingFormat RDS
    • s
    contentSize +10MB
  • @type PropertyValue
    name version_UUID
    description Unique random UUID assigned to the report version by the device before it was uploaded to the Mosquito Alert server. Each record should have a unique version_UUID.
    qudt:dataType xsd:string
  • @type PropertyValue
    name version_number
    description Version number of the report. These are assigned sequentially starting with 0.
    qudt:dataType xsd:int
  • @type PropertyValue
    name user
    description Unique random UUID of the participant who uploaded this report.
    qudt:dataType xsd:string
  • @type PropertyValue
    name report_id
    description Random 4-digit character string assigned to the report. This is not guaranteed to be unique on its own, but is used as an easy code for participants to use to identify the report (for example, if sending a physical specimen). See unique_report_id for the unique report identifier.
    qudt:dataType xsd:string
  • @type PropertyValue
    name server_upload_time
    description Date and time recorded by the Mosquito Alert server when this report version was uploaded.
    qudt:dataType xsd:dateTime
  • @type PropertyValue
    name phone_upload_time
    description Date and time recorded by the participant's device when this report version was uploaded.
    qudt:dataType xsd:dateTime
  • @type PropertyValue
    name creation_time
    description Date and time recorded by the participant's device when the first version of this report was created. This is normally the date/time that one cares about for modeling as it is taken as the closest time to the actual observation. (In constrast, upload may have happened at a later time, based on availability of a data connection, and subsequent versions of the report may have been created at later times because the participant wanted to edit details of the initial observation.
    qudt:dataType xsd:dateTime
  • @type PropertyValue
    name version_time
    description Date and time recorded by the participant's device when this version of the report was created.
    qudt:dataType xsd:dateTime
  • @type PropertyValue
    name type
    description Type of report. Options are adult, site, bite, or mission.
    qudt:dataType xsd:string
  • @type PropertyValue
    name mission
    description Identifier of the mission in case this is a mission report.
    qudt:dataType xsd:int
  • @type PropertyValue
    name location_choice
    description Choice participant selected when identifying location of the report. Either current or selected, the latter signifying that the participant selected a location on the map different from their current location.
    qudt:dataType xsd:string
  • @type PropertyValue
    name current_location_lon
    description Longitude of the participant's current location at the time of creating the first version of this report.
    unitText Decimal degrees
    qudt:dataType xsd:float
  • @type PropertyValue
    name current_location_lat
    description Latitude of the participant's current location at the time of creating the first version of this report.
    unitText Decimal degrees
    qudt:dataType xsd:float
  • @type PropertyValue
    name selected_location_lon
    description Longitude of the location participant selected on the map (if any) as the place of the observation.
    unitText Decimal degrees
    qudt:dataType xsd:float
  • @type PropertyValue
    name selected_location_lat
    description Latitude of the location participant selected on the map (if any) as the place of the observation.
    unitText Decimal degrees
    qudt:dataType xsd:float
  • @type PropertyValue
    name package_name
    description Name of the app package used to create the report.
    qudt:dataType xsd:string
  • @type PropertyValue
    name package_version
    description Version of the app package used to create the report.
    qudt:dataType xsd:string
  • @type PropertyValue
    name os
    description Operating system of the device used to create the report.
    qudt:dataType xsd:string
  • @type PropertyValue
    name unique_report_id
    description Unique ID created for each report (not report version) by concatinating user_id and report_id. Note each version of the report will have this same ID.
    qudt:dataType xsd:string
  • @type Organization
    @id CEAB
    name Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas - Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Blanes (CSIC-CEAB)
  • @type Person
    @id JP
    name Palmer, John Rossman Bertholf
  • @type Person
    @id AE
    name Escobar Rúbies, Agustí
  • Sampling. Anonymous citizen scientists send reports of possible observations of mosquitoes, their breeding sites and bites using the open source and free smartphone app Mosquito Alert. To send an observation, participants need to answer a small questionnaire (taxonomic questions in the case of mosquitoes or some descriptors in the case of breeding sites), indicate the location (current participant location or selecting it on a map), add a picture (optional) and notes or comments (optional). The app and project website offers information to help identify the target species and take good pictures that allow a proper post validation from entomologists (see more information onQuality Control section). Participants can edit or remove the observation at any time (only if the participant still maintains the Mosquito Alert app in their phone). The last version of each report is considered the prevailing information. There is no pre-set sampling frequency: participants can send as many data as they like. The project runs "face-to-face data collection events" mainly in schools, meaning that in some places and for a given time period, data sampling might be more intense. This is also true when and where there has been a particular dissemination event.
  • Quality control. Each report containing at least one picture evaluated by three independent entomologist and, if needed, reviewed by a fourth expert(senior entomologist). The dataset only includes reports from citizen staged by them as "adult mosquito", that contain at least one picture and that it has been evaluated by entomological experts.