Metadata table

Metadata table

@type DataCatalog
name analytic_tables
conditionsOfAccess Private
description Tables from Mosquito Alert database (TigaData) selected for analytic purposes. Export from database is performed daily. Access to data is possible within ftp authentication to the host
license All rights reserved
  • Eritja, R., Palmer, J. R. B., Roiz, D., Sanpera-Calbet, I., and Bartumeus, F., “Direct Evidence of Adult Aedes albopictus Dispersal by Car”, Scientific Reports, vol. 7, 2017. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-12652-5
  • Palmer, J. R. B., “Citizen science provides a reliable and scalable tool to track disease-carrying mosquitoes”, Nature Communications, vol. 8, 2017. doi:10.1038/s41467-017-00914-9
temporalCoverage 2014-05-27/..
@type Place
name Worldwide
  • @type Dataset
    name tigaserver_app_tigauser
    description Stores all user's Mosquito Alert application scores and some general information about the users
    • @type DataDownload
      name mosquitoalert_webserver_sftp
      description Distribution by SFTP protocol from MosquitoAlert webserver.
      encodingFormat CSV
      workExample ./notebooks/
      • s
      contentSize ~10MB
    • @type PropertyValue
      name user_UUID
      description Hash that replaces a user name
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name registration_time
      description Registration time of the user (app installation time and registration)
      qudt:dataType xsd:dateTime
    • @type PropertyValue
      name device_token
      description Device api-token key
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name score
      description Score of the user gained by submitting Mosquito Alert reports
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
    • @type PropertyValue
      name profile_id
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
    • @type PropertyValue
      name score_v2
      description Overall score (version 2)
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
    • @type PropertyValue
      name score_v2_adult
      description Adult mosquito score
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
    • @type PropertyValue
      name score_v2_bite
      description Mosquito bite score
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
    • @type PropertyValue
      name score_v2_site
      description Breeding site score
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
  • @type Dataset
    name tigaserver_app_report
    description Register of Mosquito Alert reports made by users at a given time and location with a given mobile device. Only the report ID is stored and not the whole report data content.
    • @type DataDownload
      name mosquitoalert_webserver_sftp
      description Distribution by SFTP protocol from MosquitoAlert webserver.
      encodingFormat CSV
      workExample ./notebooks/
      • s
      contentSize ~14MB
    • @type PropertyValue
      name version_UUID
      description UUID randomly generated on phone to identify each unique report version. Must be exactly 36 characters (32 hex digits plus4 hyphens). Example: D18007F8-FD36-4288-8876-E4314A7B86AA
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name version_number
      description Version number of a report
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
    • @type PropertyValue
      name user_id
      description User ID of the citizen scientist participant
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name report_id
      description Not unique report identifier that refers to a report independently of a given version.
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name server_upload_time
      description Timestamp relative to the upload of the report to the server
      qudt:dataType xsd:dateTime
    • @type PropertyValue
      name phone_upload_time
      description Timestamp relative to the upload of the report to the mobile-app
      qudt:dataType xsd:dateTime
    • @type PropertyValue
      name creation_time
      description Date and time on phone when first version of report was created. Format as [ECMA 262]( date time string. Example: 2016-01-03T12:04:00.996Z
      qudt:dataType xsd:dateTime
    • @type PropertyValue
      name version_time
      description Date and time on phone when a given version of report was created. Format as [ECMA 262]( date time string. Example: 2016-01-03T12:04:00.996Z
      qudt:dataType xsd:dateTime
    • @type PropertyValue
      name type
      description Type of report: 'adult', 'site', 'mission' or 'bite'
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name mission_id
      description Identifier of the mission relative to the 'tigaserver_app_mission' table
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
    • @type PropertyValue
      name location_choice
      description Georeference location choice: 'current', 'selected', 'missing'.
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name current_location_lon
      description Longitude coordinate relative to the current location
      qudt:dataType xsd:float
    • @type PropertyValue
      name current_location_lat
      description Latitude coordinate relative to the current location
      qudt:dataType xsd:float
    • @type PropertyValue
      name selected_location_lon
      description Longitude coordinate relative to the selected location
      qudt:dataType xsd:float
    • @type PropertyValue
      name selected_location_lat
      description Latitude coordinate relative to the selected location
      qudt:dataType xsd:float
    • @type PropertyValue
      name note
      description Notes attached by the user that has sent the report
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name package_name
      description Mobile-app package name
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name package_version
      description Mobile-app package version
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
    • @type PropertyValue
      name device_manufacturer
      description User mobile device manufacturer
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name device_model
      description User mobile device model
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name os
      description User mobile device operation system
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name os_version
      description User mobile device operation system version
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name os_language
      description User mobile device operation system language
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name app_language
      description Language of the mobile-app installed on the user mobile device
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name hide
      description Report hidden from the public view because of unappropriated or not relevant content.
      qudt:dataType xsd:boolean
    • @type PropertyValue
      name point
      description Coordinate point lat/lon values with the relative Spatial Reference System Identifier (SRID) with Well-Known Binary (WKB) representation of the geometry.
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name cached_visible
      description Decides if the report should be displayed on the web-map
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
    • @type PropertyValue
      name country_id
      description European country identifier relative to the 'europe_countries' table
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
    • @type PropertyValue
      name session_id
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
    • @type PropertyValue
      name nuts_3
      description NUTS level 3
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name nuts_2
      description NUTS level 2
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name ia_filter_1
      description Artificial Intelligence filter for Insect/noInsect classification (isInsect). Class score values are normalized on a range between -1 and 1 (e.g. -1 indicate not an insect and +1 indicate an insect).
      qudt:dataType xsd:float
    • @type PropertyValue
      name ia_filter_2
      description Artificial Intelligence filter for mosquito species classification (fSpecies). Negative values indicate relative score under the threshold (weak species identification confidence); positive values indicate relative score above the threshold (strong identification confidence); if report has no images returns -2; if report has no nuts3 info returns -3.
      qudt:dataType xsd:float
  • @type Dataset
    name tigaserver_app_fix
    description Sampling effort measurement given by Mosquito Alert users location
    • @type DataDownload
      name mosquitoalert_webserver_sftp
      description Distribution by SFTP protocol from MosquitoAlert webserver.
      encodingFormat CSV
      workExample ./notebooks/
      • s
      contentSize ~160MB
    • @type PropertyValue
      name id
      description Incremental unique identifier
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
    • @type PropertyValue
      name fix_time
      qudt:dataType xsd:dateTime
    • @type PropertyValue
      name server_upload_time
      qudt:dataType xsd:dateTime
    • @type PropertyValue
      name phone_upload_time
      qudt:dataType xsd:dateTime
    • @type PropertyValue
      name masked_lon
      qudt:dataType xsd:float
    • @type PropertyValue
      name masked_lat
      qudt:dataType xsd:float
    • @type PropertyValue
      name power
      qudt:dataType xsd:float
    • @type PropertyValue
      name user_coverage_uuid
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name mask_size
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
  • @type Dataset
    name tigaserver_app_photo
    description Identifier references to Mosquito Alert report pictures
    • @type DataDownload
      name mosquitoalert_webserver_sftp
      description Distribution by SFTP protocol from MosquitoAlert webserver.
      encodingFormat CSV
      workExample ./notebooks/
      • s
      contentSize ~6MB
    • @type PropertyValue
      name id
      description Identifier of a picture
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
    • @type PropertyValue
      name photo
      description Url path to be added to in order to get a picture
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name report_id
      description Report identifier to which a picture is associated
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name hide
      description Hidden or viewable picture
      qudt:dataType xsd:boolean
    • @type PropertyValue
      name uuid
      description Hashed unique identifier of a picture
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name blood_genre
      description Visual description of the mosquito possible states: 'female', 'fblood' (female with blood), 'dk' (don't know), 'fgblood' (female gravid with blood), 'fgravid' (female gravid), 'male'
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
  • @type Dataset
    name tigacrafting_expertreportannotation
    description Entomology experts results relative to each report
    • @type DataDownload
      name mosquitoalert_webserver_sftp
      description Distribution by SFTP protocol from MosquitoAlert webserver.
      encodingFormat CSV
      workExample ./notebooks/
      • s
      contentSize ~53MB
    • @type PropertyValue
      name id
      description Unique identifier of a classification instance
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
    • @type PropertyValue
      name user_id
      description Entomology expert user ID
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
    • @type PropertyValue
      name report_id
      description Report identifier to which an expert's validation is associated
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name tiger_certainty_category
      description Tiger mosquito certainty categories: '-2' definitely not a tiger mosquito; '-1' probably not a tiger mosquito; '0' not sure; '1' probably a tiger mosquito; '2' definitely a tiger mosquito.
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
    • @type PropertyValue
      name tiger_certainty_notes
      description Tiger mosquito certainty notes
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name site_certainty_category
      description Breeding site certainty categories: '2' definitely a breeding site; '1' probably a breeding site; '0' not sure'; '-1' probably not a breeding site; '-2' definitely not a breeding site.
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
    • @type PropertyValue
      name site_certainty_notes
      description Breeding site certainty notes
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name edited_user_notes
      description Notes written by validation experts (or written by the participant who sent the report and then edited by validation experts) for display on pubic map.
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name last_modified
      description Timestamp of report's last modification (update) performed by a given expert.
      qudt:dataType xsd:dateTime
    • @type PropertyValue
      name created
      description Timestamp of when a report was assigned to an expert in order to be validated.
      qudt:dataType xsd:dateTime
    • @type PropertyValue
      name validation_complete
      description Checkmark if the expert completed the validation task
      qudt:dataType xsd:boolean
    • @type PropertyValue
      name best_photo_id
      description Unique identifier of the best photo assigned by the expert
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
    • @type PropertyValue
      name linked_id
      description Notes used internally by the entomology experts community.
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name message_for_user
      description Message of the expert returned to the participant that submitted the report
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name status
      description Status given by the expert to an assigned report: '1' public; '0' flagged; '-1' hidden
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
    • @type PropertyValue
      name revise
      description Indicates that the super-expert has revised the annotations of the experts. The majority voting algorithm result is discarded in favor of super-expert's opinion.
      qudt:dataType xsd:boolean
    • @type PropertyValue
      name aegypti_certainty_category
      description Aegypti mosquito certainty categories: '-2' definitely not an aegypti; '-1' probably not an aegypti; '0' not sure; '1' probably an aegypti; '2' definitely an aegypti.
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
    • @type PropertyValue
      name simplified_annotation
      description Indicates if the expert annotation is of simple type. Only the last expert that validates a report indicate the best-photo and replies to the user, while the first experts only perform a simplified annotation.
      qudt:dataType xsd:boolean
    • @type PropertyValue
      name category_id
      description Mosquito species category identifier related to the 'tigacrafting_categories' table
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
    • @type PropertyValue
      name complex_id
      description Mosquito complex species category: '1' japonicus/koreicus; '2' albopictus/cretinus
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
    • @type PropertyValue
      name validation_value
      description Certainty associated with a species classification: '1' probable; '2' sure; '0' none. This attribute replace the old '*_certainty_category' categories.
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
    • @type PropertyValue
      name other_species_id
      description Other species identifier (103 EU-species)
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
    • @type PropertyValue
      name validation_complete_executive
      description If true, the report was reviewed by the super-expert and the opinion of other experts was not considered
      qudt:dataType xsd:boolean
  • @type Dataset
    name tigaserver_app_reportresponse
    description Responses of participants relative to a report.
    • @type DataDownload
      name mosquitoalert_webserver_sftp
      description Distribution by SFTP protocol from MosquitoAlert webserver.
      encodingFormat CSV
      workExample ./notebooks/
      • s
      contentSize ~36MB
    • @type PropertyValue
      name id
      description Identifier of the participant response
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
    • @type PropertyValue
      name report_id
      description Identifier of the report
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name question
      description Text format question in default language. Language translations are available on the mobile-app 'translation_dict' table.
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name answer
      description Text format answer in default language. Language translations are available on the mobile-app 'translation_dict' table.
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name answer_id
      description Answer identifier
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
    • @type PropertyValue
      name answer_value
      description Value relative to the answer
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
    • @type PropertyValue
      name question_id
      description question identifier
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
  • Mobile application for citizen science
  • Data validation by entomologists
  • @type Project
    @id MA
    name Mosquito Alert, Proyecto Coordinado por CREAF, CEAB-CSIC e ICREA
    @type ContactPoint
  • @type Person
    @id JP
    name Palmer, John Rossman Bertholf
    @type ContactPoint
    contactType principal investigator
  • @type Person
    @id AE
    name Escobar Rúbies, Agustí
    @type ContactPoint
    contactType programmer