Metadata table

Metadata table

@type DataCatalog
name meteocat_xema
conditionsOfAccess Private
url ./notebooks/
description Weather station data of the XEMA network of Meteorological Service of Catalonia (Meteocat). Measurement variables are coded by integer numbers and metadata should be used to recover measurement variable information. Temporal coverage depends on the selected weather station. This dataset is not intended for general public access since the original row dataset is freely distributed by Meteocat
license Free of charge, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty free and perpetual. See
temporalCoverage ../..
@type Place
name Catalonia
  • @type Dataset
    name meteocat_xema_data
    description Meteorological data recorded at all stations of the Network of Automatic Meteorological Stations (XEMA) of the Meteorological Service of Catalonia. This base date contains variables measured less frequently than daily, usually semi-hourly. The entire dataset could be downloaded as CSV file but because of its large size in-memory filtering could be difficult if it is not loaded into SQL database first. Data are even available within Socrata API access which allows to filter by station, variable, time range, etc.
    • @type DataDownload
      name transparenciacatalunya_api
      description Distribution of the entire dataset within CSV download
      encodingFormat CSV
      workExample ./notebooks/
      contentSize 28GB
    • @type DataDownload
      name socrata_api
      description Distribution from Socrata API
      encodingFormat JSON
      workExample ./notebooks/
    • @type PropertyValue
      name id
      description Identification code. Example: 'C6010101100030'
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name codi_estacio
      description Weather station identification code. Example: 'KP'
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name codi_variable
      description Weather measurement identification code. Example: 35
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
    • @type PropertyValue
      name data_lectura
      description Date and Initial Time of Reading (records are labeled on the front). Time is provided in Universal Time (T.U.). Example: '2020-12-07T18:30:00.000'
      qudt:dataType xsd:dateTime
    • @type PropertyValue
      name data_extrem
      description Date and Time when the maximum or minimum value was recorded. The time is provided in Universal Time (T.U.). This field only appears in extreme variables. Example: '2019-10-29T16:30:00.000'
      qudt:dataType xsd:dateTime
    • @type PropertyValue
      name valor_lectura
      description Value of the meteorological variable
      qudt:dataType xsd:float
    • @type PropertyValue
      name codi_estat
      description Attribute that reports the result of the validation process. Possible attributes are: blank (the data did not start the validation process), T (the validation process started but did not end), V (valid data). Invalid values ​​are not displayed
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name codi_base
      description Time base on which the weather variable was measured. The time base can be HO (hourly) or SH (semi-hourly)
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
  • @type Dataset
    name meteocat_xema_stations
    description Table with the metadata associated with each of the stations of the Network of Automatic Meteorological Stations (XEMA), integrated into the Network of Meteorological Equipment of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Xemec), of the Meteorological Service of Catalonia. Each station is identified by a code.
    • @type DataDownload
      name transparenciacatalunya_api
      description Distribution by CSV download
      encodingFormat CSV
      workExample ./notebooks/
      contentSize 41kB
    • @type DataDownload
      name socrata_api
      description Distribution from Socrata API
      encodingFormat JSON
      workExample ./notebooks/
      contentSize 51kB
    • @type PropertyValue
      name codi_estacio
      description Identification code of weather station
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name nom_estacio
      description Name of weather station
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name codi_tipus
      description Type of weather station. A: Automatic type station
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name latitud
      description Latitude coordinate. WSG84 reference system
      unitText degrees
      qudt:dataType xsd:float
    • @type PropertyValue
      name longitud
      description Longitude coordinate. WSG84 reference system
      unitText degrees
      qudt:dataType xsd:float
    • @type PropertyValue
      name geocoded_column
      description Georeference paint coordinates
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name emplacament
      description Site or place location of the station
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name altitud
      description Altitude
      unitText meters
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
    • @type PropertyValue
      name codi_municipi
      description Municipality INE code (NUTS level 5)
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
    • @type PropertyValue
      name nom_municipi
      description Name of municipality
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name codi_comarca
      description Identification code for comarca (NUTS level 4)
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name nom_comarca
      description Name of comarca
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name codi_provincia
      description Identification code for province (NUTS level 3)
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name nom_provincia
      description Province name
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name codi_xarxa
      description Identification code of the station network
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name nom_xarxa
      description Name of the station network
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name codi_estat_ema
      description Identifier code of the state associated with each station in a period of time (1:dissembled, 2:operational)
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
    • @type PropertyValue
      name nom_estat_ema
      description Name of the state associated with each station over a period of time
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name data_inici
      description Date of commissioning of the station
      qudt:dataType xsd:dateTime
    • @type PropertyValue
      name data_fi
      description Station dismantling date (only if the station is not operational)
      qudt:dataType xsd:dateTime
    • @type PropertyValue
      name :@computed_region_bh64_c7uy
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
    • @type PropertyValue
      name :@computed_region_wvic_k925
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
  • @type Dataset
    name meteocat_xema_variables
    description Table with the metadata associated with each of the variables of the Network of Automatic Meteorological Stations (XEMA), integrated into the Network of Meteorological Equipment of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Xemec), of the Meteorological Service of Catalonia. Each variable is identified by a code.
    • @type DataDownload
      name transparenciacatalunya_api
      description Distribution by CSV download
      encodingFormat CSV
      workExample ./notebooks/
      contentSize 2kB
    • @type DataDownload
      name socrata_api
      description Distribution from Socrata API
      encodingFormat JSON
      workExample ./notebooks/
      contentSize 4kB
    • @type PropertyValue
      name codi_variable
      description Identifier code of each variable
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
    • @type PropertyValue
      name nom_variable
      description Name of each variable
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name unitat
      description Unit of measurement of variables
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name acronim
      description Acronym of the variable
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name codi_tipus_var
      description Variable type code
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name decimals
      description Number of decimal numbers
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
  • Automatic weather station
  • @type Organization
    @id SMC
    name Servei Meteorològic de Catalunya (Meteocat)
    identifier CIF:ESQ0801167H
    @type ContactPoint