Metadata table

Metadata table

@type Dataset
name reports
conditionsOfAccess Public
description This dataset contains validated reports from the Mosquito Alert application, providing information on mosquito bites, breeding sites, and adult mosquito encounters.
  • Eritja, R., Palmer, J. R. B., Roiz, D., Sanpera-Calbet, I., and Bartumeus, F., “Direct Evidence of Adult Aedes albopictus Dispersal by Car”, Scientific Reports, vol. 7, 2017. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-12652-5
  • Palmer, J. R. B., “Citizen science provides a reliable and scalable tool to track disease-carrying mosquitoes”, Nature Communications, vol. 8, 2017. doi:10.1038/s41467-017-00914-9
temporalCoverage 2014-05-27/..
@type Place
name Worldwide
  • @type DataDownload
    name mosquitoalert_webserver_sftp
    description Distribution by SFTP download from MosquitoAlert webserver
    encodingFormat JSON.ZIP
    workExample ./notebooks/
    • s
    contentSize 46MB
  • @type DataDownload
    name zenodo
    description Distribution from Zenodo cloud.
    encodingFormat [JSON.ZIP].ZIP
    workExample ./notebooks/
    contentSize 46MB
  • @type DataDownload
    name mosquitoalert_github
    description Distribution from MosquitoAlert Github repository
    encodingFormat JSON.ZIP
    workExample ./notebooks/
    contentSize 46MB
  • @type PropertyValue
    name version_UUID
    description Unique identifier randomly generated on the phone to identify each report version. Must be exactly 36 characters long (32 hex digits plus 4 hyphens). Example: D18007F8-FD36-4288-8876-E4314A7B86AA
    qudt:dataType xsd:string
  • @type PropertyValue
    name creation_time
    description Date and time on the phone when the first version of the report was created. Already corrected by the 'datetime_fix_offset' value. Format as [ECMA 262]( date-time string. Example: 2016-01-03T12:04:00.996Z
    qudt:dataType xsd:dateTime
  • @type PropertyValue
    name creation_date
    description Date part of the creation_time string (provided separately for convenience) in YYYY-MM-DD format. Example: 2016-01-03
    qudt:dataType xsd:string
  • @type PropertyValue
    name creation_day_since_launch
    description Creation_date expressed as the number of days since June 13, 2014, the day Mosquito Alert was launched (under its former name, Tigatrapp).
    qudt:dataType xsd:int
  • @type PropertyValue
    name creation_year
    description Year part of the creation_time string (provided separately for convenience).
    qudt:dataType xsd:int
  • @type PropertyValue
    name creation_month
    description Month part of the creation_time string (provided separately for convenience).
    qudt:dataType xsd:int
  • @type PropertyValue
    name site_cat
    description An integer indicating the type of breeding site recorded by the participant. Options: 0 (storm drain), 1 (fountain), 2 (small basin), 3 (small container), 4 (well), or 5 (other).
    qudt:dataType xsd:int
    maxValue 5
    minValue 0
  • @type PropertyValue
    name type
    description Type of report: 'adult', 'site', 'mission', or 'bite'.
    qudt:dataType xsd:string
  • @type PropertyValue
    name lon
    description Longitude of the report location.
    qudt:dataType xsd:float
  • @type PropertyValue
    name lat
    description Latitude of the report location.
    qudt:dataType xsd:float
  • @type PropertyValue
    name movelab_annotation
    description This field contains information from the validation process.
    qudt:dataType xsd:complexType
    • @type PropertyValue
      name edited_user_notes
      description Notes written by validation experts (or participants edited by validation experts) for display on the public map.
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name crowdcrafting_score_cat
      description Tiger mosquito score category assigned to the photo displayed in this report by crowdcrafting volunteers. Scores range from -2 to 2, representing 'Definitely not a tiger mosquito' to 'Definitely a tiger mosquito' respectively.
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
      maxValue 2
      minValue -2
    • @type PropertyValue
      name crowdcrafting_n_response
      description Number of crowdcrafting volunteers who have scored the photo displayed in this report.
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
    • @type PropertyValue
      name site_certainty_category
      description Degree of belief of experts that at least one photo attached to the report shows an albopictus or aegypti breeding site.
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
      maxValue 2
      minValue -3
    • @type PropertyValue
      name tiger_certainty_category
      description Degree of belief of experts that at least one photo attached to the report shows a tiger mosquito.
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
      maxValue 2
      minValue -3
    • @type PropertyValue
      name aegypti_certainty_category
      description Degree of belief of experts that at least one photo attached to the report shows an Aedes aegypti adult.
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
      maxValue 2
      minValue -3
    • @type PropertyValue
      name photo_html
      description An HTML string that produces a small version of the selected report photo, linked to the original (full-size) version.
      qudt:dataType xsd:anyURI
    • @type PropertyValue
      name score
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name classification
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
  • @type PropertyValue
    name movelab_annotation_euro
    description Similar to 'movelab_annotation' but with preprocessing for machine learning.
    qudt:dataType xsd:complexType
    • @type PropertyValue
      name edited_user_notes
      description Notes written by validation experts (or participants edited by validation experts) for display on the public map.
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name photo_html
      description An HTML string that produces a small version of the selected report photo, linked to the original (full-size) version.
      qudt:dataType xsd:anyURI
    • @type PropertyValue
      name class_name
      description Name of the classification label. Available mosquito species labels are: Unclassified (id:1), Other species (id:2), Aedes albopictus (id:3), Aedes aegypti (id:5), Aedes japonicus (id:6), Aedes koreicus (id:7), Complex (id:8), Not sure (id:9), Culex sp. (id:10). Available breeding site labels are: site (id: Null)
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name class_label
      qudt:dataType xsd:string
    • @type PropertyValue
      name class_id
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
    • @type PropertyValue
      name class_value
      qudt:dataType xsd:int
  • @type PropertyValue
    name tiger_responses
    description Preprocessed version of 'tiger_responses_text' attribute for machine learning purposes.
    qudt:dataType xsd:string
  • @type PropertyValue
    name tiger_responses_text
    description Adult mosquito-related user responses stored in JSON format.
    qudt:dataType xsd:string
  • @type PropertyValue
    name site_responses
    description Preprocessed version of 'site_responses_text' attribute for machine learning purposes.
    qudt:dataType xsd:string
  • @type PropertyValue
    name site_responses_text
    description Breeding site-related user responses stored in JSON format.
    qudt:dataType xsd:string
  • @type PropertyValue
    name tigaprob_cat
    description TBD
    qudt:dataType xsd:int
  • @type PropertyValue
    name visible
    qudt:dataType xsd:boolean
  • @type PropertyValue
    name latest_version
    qudt:dataType xsd:boolean
  • @type PropertyValue
    name n_photos
    qudt:dataType xsd:int
  • @type PropertyValue
    name final_expert_status_text
    qudt:dataType xsd:int
  • @type PropertyValue
    name responses
    description Bites-related user responses stored in JSON format with the following keys: 'id' identifier; 'translated_question' question as it was in the app, translated to the same language the app was when uploading the report (if the app is in a language which have not translation yet, it defaults to english); 'translated_answer' user's answer to the question; 'question_id' question identifier; 'question' text format question in default language; 'answer_id' answer identifier; 'answer' text format answer in default language; 'answer_value' integer value relative to the answer; 'report' identifier of the report.
    qudt:dataType xsd:string
  • @type PropertyValue
    name country
    description ISO3166-1 alpha3 country codes for the European Union. Absence indicates the report does not fall within an EU country.
    qudt:dataType xsd:string
  • @type PropertyValue
    name updated_at
    description Date and time when the report was last modified. Format as [ECMA 262]( date-time string. Example: 2016-01-03T12:04:00.996Z
    qudt:dataType xsd:dateTime
  • @type PropertyValue
    name datetime_fix_offset
    description An integer representing the offset (in seconds) applied to the original datetime values for fixing. If None, it indicates that no information about the original time zone could be inferred or the timezone was already provided when posting the report. To retrieve the original buggy values, use: original_buggy_value = current_value - datetime_fix_offset.
    qudt:dataType xsd:int
  • @type PropertyValue
    name cached_visible
    description TBD
    qudt:dataType xsd:float
  • @type PropertyValue
    name point
    description Coordinate point lat/lon values with the relative Spatial Reference System Identifier (SRID) in Well-Known Binary (WKB) format.
    qudt:dataType xsd:string
  • @type PropertyValue
    name nuts_3
    description NUTS statistical regions for the European Union on level 3.
    qudt:dataType xsd:string
  • @type PropertyValue
    name nuts_2
    description NUTS statistical regions for the European Union on level 2.
    qudt:dataType xsd:string
  • @type PropertyValue
    name session
    qudt:dataType xsd:float
  • Sampling. Anonymous citizen scientists send reports of possible observations of mosquitoes, their breeding sites and bites using the open source and free smartphone app Mosquito Alert. To send an observation, participants need to answer a small questionnaire (taxonomic questions in the case of mosquitoes or some descriptors in the case of breeding sites), indicate the location (current participant location or selecting it on a map), add a picture (optional) and notes or comments (optional). The app and project website offers information to help identify the target species and take good pictures that allow a proper post validation from entomologists (see more information onQuality Control section). Participants can edit or remove the observation at any time (only if the participant still maintains the Mosquito Alert app in their phone). The last version of each report is considered the prevailing information. There is no pre-set sampling frequency: participants can send as many data as they like. The project runs "face-to-face data collection events" mainly in schools, meaning that in some places and for a given time period, data sampling might be more intense. This is also true when and where there has been a particular dissemination event.
  • Quality control. Each report containing at least one picture evaluated by three independent entomologist and, if needed, reviewed by a fourth expert(senior entomologist). The dataset only includes reports from citizen staged by them as "adult mosquito", that contain at least one picture and that it has been evaluated by entomological experts.
  • @type Project
    @id MA
    name Mosquito Alert, Proyecto Coordinado por CREAF, CEAB-CSIC e ICREA
    @type ContactPoint
  • @type Person
    @id JP
    name Palmer, John Rossman Bertholf
    @type ContactPoint
    contactType principal investigator
  • @type Person
    @id AE
    name Escobar Rúbies, Agustí
    @type ContactPoint
    contactType programmer