In Venezuela to date Mosquito Alert has received a total of 83 reports from 63 participants. Of these, 46 (55%) are reports of adult mosquitoes, 5 (6%) are reports of mosquito breeding sites, and 32 (39%) are reports of mosquito bites.

Reports by Administrative Subdivision

The following plot shows the number of reports received to date by report type and administrative subdivision.

Time series area plot

The following time series area plot shows reports received each day for the 10 administrative subdivisions from which the most reports in total have been sent.

Time series stream plot

The following time series stream plot shows reports received each day for the 10 administrative subdivisions from which the most reports in total have been sent during the year prior to the most recent report.

Operating System Usage

Of the total of 83 reports that Mosquito Alert has received to date from Venezuela, 80 (96%) were sent from Android devices and 3 (4%) were sent from iOS devices. The following plot shows the percentage sent from Android devices for each country from which at least 100 reports have been sent.

The following plot shows the time series of total cumulative reports sent from iOS and Android devices from the start of the project in 2014 to date.