Download data from Senscape server using http get request.
Download data from Senscape server using http get request.
- api_key
Path to Senscape API key.
- page_size
The number items per page. Defaults to 10.
- start_datetime
A datetime object that will be used as the lower bound to filter records.
- end_datetime
A datetime object that will be used as the upper bound to filter records.
- deviceIds
A character vector of all deviceIds from which data should be returned. If NA, then data will not be filtered by deviceId.
new_smart_trap_data = get_senscape_data(api_key = Sys.getenv("SENSCAPE_API_KEY"),
start_datetime = lubridate::as_datetime("2023-03-08"),
end_datetime = lubridate::as_datetime("2023-03-09"),
deviceIds = c("5f1076c998fda900151ff683", "5f1076c998fda900151ff683",
"5f10762e98fda900151ff680", "5f10767c98fda900151ff681", "5f1076ae98fda900151ff682"))
#> Getting Senscape Data from 2023-03-08 to 2023-03-09
| | 0%
#> Error: lexical error: invalid char in json text.
#> Unauthorized
#> (right here) ------^
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'new_smart_trap_data' not found